Well, such is the story of my life. I have always loved being a military wife. Obviously the benefits are great. Medical is better than anywhere else. Financially, it gives us comforts. I get to see different places by being stationed somewhere new. I love to explore the world and see what it has to offer. I love Daniel in a uniform. =) Can't go wrong there. It's a job my husband loves and he is great at it. It's who he is to the core. It's been hard seeing him do any other job that doesn't relate to protecting and serving this country. We get great prices on groceries/clothing/household what-not's. So it's been very good to us in many ways over the years.
But...yes there's a but. The one thing I don't enjoy is the "not knowing" aspect. Not knowing when I will get to see my husband again. Not knowing where we are stationed or even when we will find out where we will be stationed. I was told today that it could be anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks before Daniel graduates that we will know where (January 22). And when he graduates, he leaves to his permanent duty station. That means we may only have a couple/few weeks to relocate. I really wouldn't mind it for myself. But it's very difficult to tell 4 little girls, "ok, girls. We are moving in 3 weeks. Say goodbye to everyone. Sorry Siriana and Anelyn, you don't get to see your preschool teachers anymore. Sorry Lexie and Gabriella, you are moving to a new school at the end of the school year again and will likely spend the remainder of the year with no friends at recess." It's very difficult to explain to them to rely of faith and things will work out. "Pray for strength girls". Lexie understands some. Gabriella understands very little. It's like to talking to brick walls with the twins. All they know is they are mad at me for the changes and Mom gets to feel the pain of all of them.
So this is me venting. I love the military and all it does for our country. I love to see the sacrifices my husband and all the troops make daily. I love to be a supporter of my husband and freedom in this country. I just wish my girls could see the goodness in the sacrifices that they are making. What they are giving up for us to live in a free country. It's a true sacrifice that all those children give up who go without their dad or mom. And especially those that lose someone to the war. So many people recognize the sacrifices of the spouses and how hard it is. I really think it's been so much harder on the. They don't understand why they are going through what they go through. I just have to give them normalcy in every way possible. Church on Sunday. School during the week. Homework. FHE on monday. Lots and lots of prayers for dad.
Doctrine & Covenants 88:119 Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God.
I hope what I do is enough. Many times, it just doesn't feel like it.
Be strong Cristy. Be strong.